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HuffPo Muslim angry over radical white men

Huffinton Post/Aol employs a lot of filth disguised as ‘writers’. One of them, a Palestinian Muslim named Omar Alnatour is really mad now. Omar Alnatour is angry because those darn Oregon Ranch protesters and other white men can ‘do whatever they want’ because they are white radical men. Oh, and they are white Christian terrorists too or something according to this Muslim and other leftists. But if Muslims do something, it’s labeled terrorism.

HuffPo Muslim angry over radical white men
HuffPo Muslim angry over radical white men

Ok, Omar. I’m still waiting to hear how many of these ‘white radical men’ have beheaded anyone, flown planes into buildings, or burned anyone alive. I’m also waiting to hear which one of these ‘white radical men’ have tossed gay people off buildings to their death simply for being gay like Muslims (terrorist and so called moderates) do.

I still haven’t heard any of these so called radicals or ‘white Christian terrorists’ yelling Allahu Ackbar, or my God is better than your God.

Obviously left wing loons like Muslim Omar Alnatour need to get their definition of terrorist right. If this these protesters in Oregon are ‘terrorists’ then they are doing a very bad job of it by just occupying some building.