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More than 14 women sexually hassled by Bill Clinton

Alisyn Camerota may have been shocked when someone on the little watched CNN Clinton News Network that Bill Clinton fondled 14 women over the years, going back to his time in Arkansas. Problem for Camerota ad CNN, the number 14 of women sexually hassled by BJ Bill Clinton is too low. Fact of the matter is, there are over 20 women who have been sexually harassed by Bill Clinton over the decades.

The most famous names associated with Bill Clinton’s sexual addiction include Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey.

But Bill Clinton has also had his Mike Tyson moments. Regina Hopper Blakely a little known victim of Clinton was bruised and bitten by Bill Clinton when he got horny for her.

More than 14 women sexually hassled by Bill Clinton
More than 14 women sexually hassled by Bill Clinton

There were also seven complaints to the Arkansas State Troopers from unnamed women between the years 1978-1980. Also, one year before BJ married Hillary Clinton, there was a report filed against Bill Clinton at University of Arkansas of unwanted physical content. This woman’s name is not publicly known.

Sexual harassment charges against Bill Clinton go all the way back to 1972, 44 years ago. A then 22 year old woman at Yale was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton. Her name was never made public.

By my count, there are at least 25 women who have either accused BJ BIll Clinton of rape or sexual harassment. Not the 14 number that has been circulating quietly in some media that has barely touched this story. As whoopie Goldberg might say, maybe some of these weren’t ‘rape, rape’ or something. At least rape as defined by leftists.