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Official Donald Trump Jam VIDEO

The USA Freedom Kids performed a pro-Trump themed song to the tune of “Over There” in Pensacola, Florida. I’m personally not a fan of using kids as political props to kick off a campaign rally. Most leftists of course are freaking out over the USA Freedom Kids Donald Trump Jam as you would expect. Even those GOP-e hacks who hate Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton is comparing this ‘Hitler Youth’ or something. They also are calling it creepy. You can make your own decision. Like I said, I’m just not a fan at using kids as props to kick off a political rally. But I’m not going to go as far as the left or GOP-e.

Official Donald Trump Jam VIDEO USA Freedom Kids
Official Donald Trump Jam VIDEO

The USA Freedom Kid Official Donald Trump Rally lyrics are as follows:

Are you serious?
Apologies for freedom—
I can’t handle this!

When freedom rings—
Answer the call!
On your feet!
Stand up tall!
Freedom’s on our shoulders.

Enemies of freedom
Face the music
Come on, boys—take ‘em down!
‘Cause the Donald Trump knows how
To make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time…

Over here…
Over there…
Freedom and liberty everywhere…

Oh, say can you see
It’s not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom’s call

We’re the land of the free and the brave… USA…

The stars and stripes are flying
Let’s celebrate our freedom
Inspire, proudly, freedom to the world

American pride…
It’s attitude, it’s who we are
Stand up tall…

We’re the red, white, and blue
Fiercely free, that’s who!
Our colors don’t run, no sirree…

Over here…
Over there…
Freedom and liberty everywhere…

Oh, say can you see
It’s not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom’s call!