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Saskatchewan school shooting – 4 dead. No Obama tears

A shooting at a school in Saskatchewan Canada as left at least four people dead and others seriously injured. Whenever there is a school shooting in America, the media eeltdown is 24/7 anti=gun propaganda. Instead, the media in America has been hyping a storm they call Jonas and haven’t even mentioned a word about the Saskatchewan school shooting. Not a tear from the eye or any other progressive anti-gun fascist either. I guess what happens in Canada, stays in Canada.

Saskatchewan school shooting – 4 dead. No Obama tears

Strangely, the name of the shooter has still not been released more than 10 hours later. This raises some red flags already. When the shooter is a white boy, like in Norway, the name of the shooter was released within minutes. Hours later, after a shooting left people dead at a school and the suspect still hasn’t been identified? Hmm..