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Rick Perry endorses Ted Cruz

First Glenn Beck, now Mr. ooops Rick Perry is endorsing Ted Cruz just one week before the Iowa caucus. Like the Beck endorsement, I don’t think the Rick Perry endorsement will do much for Cruz in the polls.

Rick Perry endorses Ted Cruz
Rick Perry endorses Ted Cruz

Rick Perry, a one time Democrat, and governor who gave illegals free in state tuition. Sorry Ted. You’ve my choice for candidate and all but you got to get better people endorsing you then Rick Perry or Glenn Beck. These two just aren’t going to get voters to go for you over Trumo.

If Trump wins both Iowa and New Hampshire as expected, there will be only one way to beat him. Clear the field, and let Trump face a one on one matchup against a GOP candidate. It could be Cruz, Rubio or whomeever. That seems like the only way to stop Donald Trump from running the table.