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Confirmed: Donald Trump to skip GOP debate

So now it’s official. Donald Trump will be skipping the GOP Debate on Fox News this coming Thursday. Trump’s excuse isn’t Megyn Kelly, it’s a lame, childish press release sent out by Roger Ailes bagging on Trump. Both Fox News and Trump are acting like children here, but come on. Skipping a debate? I’m sure his supporters will agree with this move, I just can’t. I think it’s stupid, petty and just makes the Fox News establishment hacks even happier to get him out of the news cycle for the night.

What’s going to happen if he’s the nominee? Is he going to skip presidential debates against Hillary Clinton because leftist network talk bad about Trump?

Confirmed: Donald Trump to skip GOP debate
Confirmed: Donald Trump to skip GOP debate

Everything Donald Trump has done to this point his helped him in the polls. Will this help him too? Lot of people, including myself are tired of the Fox News establishment bias. But this seems a bit over the limit to me.

The good thing about Trump skipping the debate is that Fox News is going to get their asses handed to them in the pocket book. Advertisers are probably cancelling ads left and right now because Trump is skipping the debate. Suck it Murdoch.

What Trump should have done is show up at the debate and during the first question asked to him, he should have bashed Fox News for their childish press release.