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Jeb Bush super PAC cash plummets

Jeb Bush is at 2% in Iowa, tying him with the likes of Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Carly Fiorina. Bush even trails Chris Christie in the final Des Moines Register poll before the Iowa caucuses. That’s hillarous considering the millions of dollars Bush and his super PAC have already dumped into this election. Donators, seeing the writing on the walls are starting to give money to other candidates as Jeburrito fades away.

Jeb Bush super PAC cash plummets
Jeb Bush super PAC cash plummets

The super PAC dedicated to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s flagging campaign for the GOP presidential nomination raised $15 million in the second half of the year ― a massive drop-off from the $103 million it raised in the first half ― according to a report filed Sunday night with the Federal Election Commission.
The super PAC, Right to Rise, spent $54 million between the beginning of July and the end of last year, leaving it with $59 million in the bank at the beginning of this year, according to the report.
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But the group spent at least another $16 million this month on ads seeking to buoy Bush and deflate his rivals headed into Monday’s Iowa caucuses, according to advertising data provided to POLITICO by The Tracking Firm.
The FEC report showed that the majority of the second-half haul ― $10 million ― came from a New York company called C.V. Starr & Co., Inc., which owns and operates insurance agencies.

Go home Jeb, no one likes you.