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If Marco Rubio can’t handle bubble butt Christie…

I absolutely hate Chris Christie. I would never vote for him, Jeb Bush or John Kasich in an election if they are nominated. But Christie did Rubio and the rest of the GOP a big favor tonight. He caught robot Marco Rubio off guard. If Rubio can’t handle Christie, how the hell does he think he’d do against the Democrats and the Clinton Crime Family? If Marco Rubio is really the ‘chosen one’ then he will use tonight as a learning experience.

Rubio got better as the debate went on, like Trump. But his stumbles in the beginning are all the media rage deeming his career over like if he sipped from a water bottle or something. Yes, Barack Hussein Obama knows exactly what’s he doing while destroying this country with Iranian born Valerie Jarrett. But by repeating it four times in a debate in responses to Christie, he came off looking like he just memorized talking points. He gave Christie the opportunity to smash him early in the debate.

If Marco Rubio can’t handle bubble butt Christie…

If we are left with Rubio as the GOP nominee, i’d hold my nose and vote for him. But he’s got to improve, and quit living off his Fox News fawning. Tonight, Rubio wasn’t ready for prime time. Will this kill him in New Hampshire? We’ll see on Tuesday.

There is another GOP debate on CBS next Saturday. Rubio had better come better prepared for that one or he’ll be toast like the current bottom feeders still in this race.

Bubble butt Chris Christie knows he’s toast after New Hampshire. He’s polling at about 4% in that leftist state and frankly shouldn’t have even been on the debate stage tonight since Carly Fiorina was left off. Still, what Christie did is help the GOP in this case, unlike when he hugged Obama. Either Rubio will learn to get tough in debate and actually speak in non-canned statements, or he’ll be out. Narrowing the field for the eventual winner. It’s win-win.