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Drudge poll: who won Fox News GOP debate? #11

As usual, Donald Trump is winning the Drudge poll of who won the Fox News GOP Debate (which was the eleventh). A lot of people say Trump got roughed by Ted Cruz, but the Drudge poll as usual doesn’t seem to show it. Trump is easily kicking butt in that poll (like he always does).

The margin is similar to other debates with Trump at around 65% and Cruz around 20%. The biggest losers of this debate in my opinion are easily Marco Rubio and Fox News. In what was supposed to be an important debate before this weekend and next Tuesday’s primaries, it was nothing but a circus. Rubio was horrible after a couple of strong debates, and for whatever reason, John Kasich was invited to babble in coherently and move around his hands like he’s doing a slap chop.

Drudge poll: who won Fox News GOP debate? #11
Drudge poll: who won Fox News GOP debate? #11

The Fox News debate was a joke. You had dabbling (whatever the hell that is), too many commercials, snarky moderators, etc. On top of all that Donald Trump get nearly twice as much speaking time as Ted Cruz did.

The debate was very revealing just how far Fox News has gone down the toilet. The Drudge Poll of the Fox News GOP debate shows Marco Rubio in dead last place, behind idiot Kasich. Fox News and Rubio really blew it.