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46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats become Republicans

In Massachusetts, 20,000 Democrats dropped out of the party to become Republicans. Donald Trump won that primary with nearly 50% of the primary vote, so it’s not like it was dirty tricks with Democrats trying to vote for Donald Trump because they think he is the easiest to beat. Something is going on in the Democrat party that has seen another 46,000 drop out of the party in Pennsylvania and become Republicans. The Pennsylvania primary isn’t until April. These aren’t the Communist Democrats that you basically see out on the campaign trail every day. These are the blue-collar, Reagan-Democrats that are fed up with the Democrat’s party turn towards Communism.

46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats become Republicans

The numbers are similar in other states as well.

The paper says in Massachusetts, as many as 20,000 Democrats have gone from blue-to-red this year with Trump cited as a primary reason. And in Ohio, as many as 1,000 blue collar workers have promised to switch parties and vote for Trump.

Numbers show that some Republicans are also switching to the Democratic party, but nowhere near the numbers that are switching to Republican.