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Picture: Tommy Dimassimo drags American flag on ground

Tommy Dimassimo the progressive thug who bum rushed the podium where Donald Trump was speaking in Ohio has a long history of progressive, anti-American rhetoric. Photos of Tommy Dimassimo dragging an American flag on the ground during a black lives matter ‘protest’ have been starting to appear all over social media.

Picture: Tommy Dimassimo drags American flag on ground
Picture: Tommy Dimassimo drags American flag on ground
Picture: Tommy Dimassimo drags American flag on ground

So this is what is known about progressive thug Tommy Dimassimo is your typical anti-American, Bernie Sanders supporting thug. He poses a danger at presidential rallies, unless the candidate is Bernie Sanders and is a part of at least marches with black lives matter. Tommy Dimassimo deleted his Twitter and Youtube accounts after news of his arrested for rushing Trump in Ohio went public. He is a student at Wright State University.

Tommy Dimassimo was released after being arrested, barely getting a slap on the wrist and charged with ‘disorderly conduct.’

The media doesn’t seem to interested in talking about Tommy Dimassimo as not one national media outfit has even mentioned this jackwagon’s name

What we don’t know about Tommy Dimassimo is will he strike again, or will he pull something during the primaries on Tuesday? Left wing extremists like Dimassimo don’t give up easily. Anarchy is what they live for. Well, anarchy and a government check