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Rubio to endorse Ted Cruz – Cruz-Rubio 2016?

Marco Rubio is getting close to endorsing Ted Cruz, which is of no surprise as establishment GOP hacks would never endorse Donald Trump. When Rubio endorses Ted Cruz, what happens after that? A Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio ticket would be strong going up against Granny criminal Hillary Clinton and whatever socialist she pics.

Rubio to endorse Ted Cruz – Cruz-Rubio 2016?

Marco Rubio is close to endorsing Ted Cruz, but the two proud senators — and recent fierce rivals — have some details to work out first.
Cruz has to ask for the Rubio’s endorsement, and both sides need to decide that it will make a difference, according to sources familiar with the thinking of both senators.
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Rubio and Cruz, who are more friendly with each other in the Senate than they are with longer-serving colleagues, occasionally chatted and patched up their sometime-rocky relationship on the campaign trail heading into Florida’s primary Tuesday, when Rubio was blown out by Donald Trump and subsequently quit the presidential race.

I could support a Cruz-Rubio ticket. Certainly more than anything that would continue that idiot John Kasich.