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Larry Dawson of Tennessee IDed as Capitol gunman

Turns out Larry Dawson was the ‘gunman’ at the Capitol that forced a lockdown today in DC. Larry Dawson is a nut job, one time yelling I’m a prophet of God in the chamber of Congress. Below is a video of Larry Dawson yelling I’m a prophet of God at Congress from October of last year.

Only Dawson and a bystander were shot. The bystander will be fine. No cops were shot by Dawson as was earlier reported. Larry Dawson is a 66 year old nut job. Of course, since Larry Dawson is not a Muslim, his name and description came out within a hour or two of his ‘crime’ or act of terror, whatever you want to call it.

The only real difference between Larry Dawson and a Muslim terrorist is that Dawson didn’t blow himself up causing mass causalities. Otherwise, they are one in the same as far as I’m concerned. Yelling “I’m a prophet of God” sound an awful lot like Allahu Ackbar to me.