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Muslims getting scared over Trump’s #TheChalkening

What is The Chalkening? Donald Trump’s name, written in chalk on the cement first at Emory University and now the University of Kansas. Apparently Trump’s #TheChalkening is scaring college wimps and especially Muslims. I guess chalk is bad or something.

Muslims getting scared over Trump’s #TheChalkening

If you go to this SheGufta’s twitter feed, you’ll notice constant whining and victim-hood at being a Muslim in America. Now chalk is scaring the poor Muslims because someone wrote Trump 2016 with it. This is how absolutely ridiculous millennials are. No wonder they support Communist Bernie Sanders.

Don’t like Trump? That’s cool. But please don’t whine about #TheChalkening. It’s not a big bogey man that’s going to come and eat you.

I’m not a Trump fan, but I think #TheChalkening is kind of cool.