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RNC delegate Rina Bharara will vote for Hillary over Trump

RNC delegate Rina Bharara really doesn’t like Ted Cruz and especially Donald Trump. Rubio RNC Rina Bharara made a snide remark when refering to Ted Cruz at the start of her interview with FNC. After her snide remark about Cruz, Rina Bharara admitted that if Donald Trump ever does get the RNC nomination that she will vote for Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump. This asshole’s second choice after Rubio is John Kasich, so if this goes to a second ballot at the convention, Kasich as at least one vote.

RNC delegate Rina Bharara will vote for Hillary over Trump
RNC delegate Rina Bharara will vote for Hillary over Trump

And there you have the establishment in a nutshell. And this is also why George Soros keeps funding John Kasich.