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DePaul University outlaws The Chalkening

Progressive fascists are on the rampage again. As the Donald Trump The Chalkening spreads to more than 20 universities, DePaul fascists have outlawed it. DePaul of course is in Chicago, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the fascism.

DePaul University outlaws The Chalkening
DePaul University outlaws The Chalkening

The chalking epidemic that began at Emory University hit DePaul University a few weeks ago.

Pro-Trump messages etched in chalk caused hysteria and confusion for students encountering an opposing view.

The Chalkening was too much for DePaul University, apparently, where administrators recently banned chalked political messages.

Does this mean DePaul would actually outlaw Muslims and black lives matter ‘chalked political messages’? I’ll believe that when I see it. Regardless, it’s still progressive fascism at it’s finest.

I don’t care if you are a Trump fan or hate him as much as the #NeverTrump people. This is flat out progressive fascism.