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Mexican supremacists need to GTFO

Mexican supremacists have been out in full force ever since Trump came to California. Hate Donald Trump? I really don’t. In fact, sometimes I even agree with you. But this bullshit of Mexican supremacists prancing around with the flag of Mexico, rioting, destroying property and punching Trump supporters has gotten beyond the point of old. You can see why California is in as bad of shape as it is. Open borders for these Mexicans kind of proves what Trump said last summer.

Whenever the topic of amnesty comes up, we are always given the same cock and bull story how it’s just people from Mexico and Central America looking for the American dream and a better life. Jeb Bush even said that illegals invading our border are committing a criminal act “of love” or something. Tell me, do these Mexican supremacists look like they came here from Mexico just looking to better themselves and chase the American dream?

Mexican supremacists need to GTFO
Mexican supremacists need to GTFO

If these “Dreamers” Mexican supremacists aka really love American so much, then why are they waving around the flags of the country they deserted to come here in the first place? I know a lot of these protesters are nothing more than paid hacks for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But the hypocrisy stinks.

In case these Mexican supremacists have forgotten, Mexico lost the Mexican-American war. While you may think that California and some other parts of this country still belong to Mexico, you are sorely mistaken. If you think America is so bad, get the fuck out of here and go back to Mexico. I’m sure they’ll welcome you with open arms, especially since American corporations are sending jobs to Mexico and taking them away from Americans.

Oh and about that little kid with the “Make America Mexico Again” sign today. Go ahead Mexico and Mexican supremacists. Try and seize some American land. I dare you!