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No act of love – Jeb Bush becomes a #NeverTrump drone

The Bush family has been a determinant to America for decades now. They only reason why H.W. Bush was ever president is because Reagan chose him as his VP. Had Reagan chosen someone else, the Bush family wouldn’t even have been heard of. Now, after Daddy Bush and Brother Dubya’s disastrous presidency that gave us Hussein Obama, Jeb Bush has “announced” on Facebook that he will violate the RNC pledge he signed to back the GOP nominee and not vote for Trump. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

No act of love – Jeb Bush becomes a #NeverTrump drone
No act of love - Jeb Bush becomes a #NeverTrump drone

In a way though, with Bush coming out against Trump, that’s kind of a good thing. It’s not like there are any real Jeb Bush fans, outside those who want amnesty for cheap labor for corporations. Being affiliated with the Bush family is a liability, not an assett. Just as John McCain in 2008.