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La Raza CNN “Republican” Ana Navarro whines about Trump and Mexicans

Ana Navarro is another Latin supremacist who doesn’t like it when Trump tells the truth about Mexicans. The latest is over the corrupt, Obama appointed judge handling the Trump university case. Navarro’s meltdown was so emotional that she was almost in tears. Yet, there wasn’t a word from Ana Navarro about the Mexican flag waving thugs in San Jose last night throwing and beating up Trump supporters. Ana Navarro is just another La Raza hack, Latin supremacist so called Republican who is trying to justify her lack of support for Trump. It’s also no coindence that Ana Navarro is a Bushie, having worked for Jeb Bush;s failed presidential campaign.

La Raza CNN “Republican” Ana Navarro whines about Trump and Mexicans

La Raza CNN

Hey Ana Navarro. When are you going to condemn those Mexican flag waving thugs in San Jose who burned the Amwrican flag last night? Apprently that doesn’t bother you, but Trump does. You are nothing more than a hypocrite and a hack.