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ISIS claims responsibility for Orlando Pulse massacre

ISIS is claiming responsibility for the Orlando Pulse massacre over night. This yet again proves the attack was Islamic terrorism, yet Obama, the media and the left are still trying to spin this as some sort of gun violence, gun access problem. It’s really pathetic that the left in this country will NEVER blame Islamic terror under any circumstances, even something as obvious and as horrific as this. If I were in Orlando, I’d be donating blood today, not wringing my hands for more gun control. Hint to Obama. You can’t have it both ways. Saying it’s an act of terror (but not Islamic terror) and an act of hate. Islamic terrorism IS hate. It’s a hate of anything not in line with the Muslim ideology.

ISIS claims responsibility for Orlando Pulse massacre
ISIS claims responsibility for Orlando Pulse massacre

Get off your high horse gun grabbing progressives and admit what the real problem is. ISLAMIC TERRORISM. No matter how many times you try to sugar coat terrorist attacks on American soil, or abroad, you’ll never win the argument. No matter how desperate you appear.