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Muslim Peshwaz Waise with Koran harasses people at IHOP in Denton, Texas

Aloha Snackbar! A Muslim named Peshwaz Waise clutching a Koran starting harassing people at an IHOP in Denton, Texas. It really got out of hand when Peshwaz Waise starting going after a man with a Donald Trump shirt on in the IHOP. Waise was later arrested for making terrorist threats. The Muslim started his spree at Texas Health Presbyterian.

Muslim Peshwaz Waise with Koran harasses people at IHOP in Denton, Texas
Muslim Peshwaz Waise with Koran harasses people at IHOP in Denton, Texas

Peshwaz Waise was handing out Korans and ‘allegedly’ threaten death to those who didn’t accept them. Maybe it’s a gun or the NRA’s fault like the left and media claims Orlando was.

Peshwaz Azad Waise, 28, was arrested just after 8 a.m. outside of the Denton County Courthouse after several run-ins with police that morning and the night before.
Denton police said officers responding to a call for assistance Tuesday night were stopped by Waise, and that he was speaking irrationally and making comments about God and Allah. Since Waise was not in violation of any law, the officers continued responding to the initial call for help, police said.
Police with the University of North Texas were later called to a disturbance at the IHOP restaurant on the southeast side of campus where they found Waise speaking “irrationally.” Police didn’t reveal what he said, but they did confirm he was issued a notice of trespass and asked to leave UNT property.