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Explosive in Central Park was a home made device, De Blasio claims no terrorism

So a man steps on a home made device or firecracker and his leg gets blown off in Central Park. But it’s already not terorrist if you listen to Communist NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio:

Explosive in Central Park was a home made device, De Blasio claims no terrorism

So explain this genius. If it was a firecracker and home made, how does it blow up when someone steps on it? Wouldn’t you actually have to light a firecracker first? This whole situation reeks of yet another Democrat cover-up. It doesn’t necessary mean a Muslim made and placed the home made explosive. In the shithole known as New York City, it could have easily been any crazy left wing radical like those you saw in Occupy Wall Street. Bill Ayers’ is still their hero.

It’s also yet another

It’s also an amazing coincidence that this home made device exploded so close to the funeral for Eli Wiesel.
