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Washington Post now blaming Christians for Dallas, violence

Leftist trash Washington Post has tried blaming whites, the NRA and all people with guns for what happened by a racist, black lives matter supporting thug in Dallas. Now, the Washington Post is blaming Christians for what happened in Dallas and for violence in America in general.

Washington Post now blaiming Christians for Dallas, violence

See? It’s not black lives matter fault. It’s never the fault of the parents of these black thugs who do these attacks on cops. Johnson lived with his mother and had all kinds of bomb making material in his room, but she didn’t ever report that. Instead, just blame the Christians. They are easy targets because the Washington Post knows Christians aren’t going to get violent over being blamed (unlike Muslims). Christians are basically the new straw man for the Democrat media complex to attack. Christian people and white males.

Truth of the matter is, it’s progressive policies that have kept blacks down for decades. Notice all big cities with high crime rates and violence are run by Democrats. Mike Rawlings, mayor of Dallas is a left wing Democrat. Who’s the mayor of Baltimore, Ferguson and Sanford Florida? All Democrats? Chicago? Democrat. New York City? Democrat. Do the math people because the corrupt media will never be honest.