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Shepard Smith scolds Bobby Jindal for saying ‘All Lives Matter’ VIDEO

Shepard Smith is a perfect example of why I don’t watch Fox News very much anymore. Apparently, to the fairy Shepard Smith, it’s controversial to say ‘All Lives Matter’. Below is the video of Shepard Smith going nuts at Jindal for daring to say All Lives Matter. What’s next? Is Smith going to start marching with black lives matter terrorists?

Shepard Smith scolds Bobby Jindal for saying ‘All Lives Matter’ VIDEO
Shepard Smith scolds Bobby Jindal for saying 'All Lives Matter' VIDEO

Hey Shemp! ALL LIVES MATTER. Even fruit cakes like yourself’s life matters. I am so God damn sick and tired of these politically correct polished turds and their speech restrictions. Explain to me how the hell all iives matter is controversial? What the hell is so damn controversial about it? Seriously, Shepard Smith, take your Tinkerbell ass to CNN or MSNBC already.