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Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Gadsden Flag now racist under Obama regime

Think you’ve seen and heard everything? You haven’t. Under Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) wearing a depiction of the Gadsden flag to work is considered racial harassment after a black employee at a privately owned business filed a complaint with the federal agency more than two years ago. Welcome to Obamaville.

Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Gadsden Flag now racist under Obama regime
Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Gadsden Flag now racist under Obama regime

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is considering whether wearing clothing in the workplace with the Gadsden flag printed on it constitutes legally actionable racial harassment.

According to Eugene Volokh, a UCLA law professor who runs the “Volokh Conspiracy” blog at The Washington Post, the EEOC ruled two months ago that it will need to collect more evidence in a case filed in Jan. 2014 by an African American federal employee who complained about his coworker wearing a hat with the Gadsden flag printed on it.

The complainant said that the Gadsden flag, which was designed during the Revolutionary War in 1775 and has become popular with the Tea Party movement, is racist because its designer, Christopher Gadsden, was “a slave trader & owner of slaves.”

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