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Clinton Foundation Donor’s ‘Suspicious Activity’ Prompted Investigation Request

Why is it that basically everything and everyone associated with the Clinton Crime Family and the Foundation are all corrupt?

Clinton Foundation Donor’s ‘Suspicious Activity’ Prompted Investigation Request
Clinton Foundation Donor’s ‘Suspicious Activity’ Prompted Investigation Request

A Clinton Foundation donor’s suspicious activity prompted the FBI and several Justice Department field offices to request that DOJ headquarters open a public corruption investigation into the former secretary of state’s family charity.

That’s according to CNN, which provided new details on Thursday to its report on Wednesday that the DOJ had shot down an FBI request to investigate the Clinton Foundation. (RELATED: Loretta Lynch’s DOJ Declined FBI Request To Investigate Clinton Foundation)

Here’s what CNN justice correspondent Pamela Browne reported on Thursday, just before Clinton gave a speech in Michigan laying out her economic policies.

We’ve learned that what initially grabbed the FBI’s attention to this a bank notified the FBI noting that there was “suspicious activity” surrounding a foreign donor to the Clinton Foundation. So what the FBI wanted to do, earlier this year, is open up a case and investigate whether there was a conflict of interest at the time that that donor was making contributions to the Clinton Foundation during Clinton’s tenure at the State Department.

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