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Democrats bracing for new batch of Wikileaks hacked e-mails

Aside from Hillary Clinton’s health related issues, Democrats are running scared as they are bracing themselves for another batch of hacked Hillary Clinton and DNC e-mails from Wikileaks.

Democrats bracing for new batch of Wikileaks hacked e-mails

It couldn’t happen to a more corrupt group of power hungry villains.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told CNN’s Anderson Cooper ten days ago Wikileaks has more material related to the Hillary Clinton campaign to release. Assange said the material will be posted by Wikileaks in due course.
assange hillary emails

This came after leaked emails revealed the DNC worked against the Sanders campaign in the Democratic primary this year.

Democrats are reportedly “bracing for a new batch of very damaging hacked emails.

The Democrat media complex is already spinning this to put blame on Donald Trump for the hacks – Something he has nothing to do with…
But they will do anything to protect Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

I don’t know who’s scared the most. Hillary Clinton, the DNC or CNN (the Clinton News Network).