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Hillary Clinton admits she collapses, burnt out

Old and frail Hillary Clinton is sick. Not only in the head, but in the body too. Clinton even admits she can’t think of anything because she’s so ‘burnt out.’ Not only is she too corrupt to be POTUS, she’s simply too sick.

Hillary Clinton admits she collapses

“No, that’s not true,” Clinton responded. “That is not true. That’s another one of those rumors people spread. I usually wake up before my alarm clock goes off so, technically, maybe that’s right, but I do have my phone and sometimes if I’m really tired when I, you know, collapse, it’s backed up by a real alarm clock.”

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Linsky then asked what ringtone she uses for her alarm clock, to which Clinton replied, “The most obnoxious sound I could find on the ringtones.”
After saying that she uses a “siren” ringtone for her alarm, Clinton added that she needs “something that pierces through our deepest consciousness.”

Later, at the end of the podcast, Linsky asked, “What do you think tonight will be the last thing you’re thinking about before you fall asleep?”

“Well, probably my grandchildren,” Clinton replied. “I Facetime with them and lots of time on the plane when I just can’t think about anything else because I’m just so burnt out, I’ll take my phone out and look at all the little videos and the pictures and put a smile on my face and then collapse.”