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Looks like Hillary Clinton uses a wheelchair lift now

Is Hillary Clinton using a wheelchair now? These photos during a recent Hillary Clinton fundraiser show the back of her campaign van with a wheelchair lift. Unless it’s one of Clinton’s campaign hacks, who else would use the wheelchair lift in the back of a Hillary Clinton campaign van? You’ve already seen the photos and videos of Hillary Clinton struggling to get in and out of vehicles. This pretty much puts that over the top. If Hillary Clinton needs a wheelchair lift to get into and out of campaign vans, what the hell is really going on with the old, decrepit old hag?

The Gateway Pundit shows you the photo of the back of a Hillary Clinton campaign van, used by Clinton to transport her to a New York fundraiser.

Look closely at the Hillary Clinton van and another van with a wheelchair lift similar to Hillary Clinton’s. You can clearly see the lift in the side of the Hillary Clinton van. The other is used for illustration purposes.

Looks like Hillary Clinton uses a wheelchair now
Looks like Hillary Clinton uses a wheelchair lift now

Hillary Clinton held a fundraiser with billionaire elites and Cher in North Haven, New York this past week.

She wore pajamas to the event.
hillary pajamas

If you take a closer look at her van from The New York Times article you can clearly see the wheelchair lift.

Do I sound like I’m mocking Hillary Clinton? I sure hope so. This lousy criminal deserves all the bad shit that’s happening to her.