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First American Fried Chicken was also halal

Turns out the Rahami First American Fried Chicken restaurant was also a halal restaurant. You know, the only type of food strict Muslims are allowed to eat, halal? Absolutely nothing “First American” about that.

First American Fried Chicken was also halal
First American Fried Chicken was also halal

Of course with someone claiming they ordered a bacon-cheeseburger, one has to wonder. Did the restaurant change from being “normal” to halal? Bacon isn’t exactly halal. Either that or the Rahami family is a bunch of hypocrites.

Even before the terrorist son of the owner of First American Fried Chicken halal restaurant was caught, this place didn’t seem to get good reviews, expect from the one Muslim who praised it for being a halal restaurant.

Now we’ll wait for de Blasio and the media to claim that Rahami wasn’t really Islam. He was just mentally disturbed or something. One has to wonder. Is it leftists who continue to deny Islamic terrorism the ones who are mentally disturbed?