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Assange to make Tuesday ‘announcement’ via video in Berlin

While the “live” appearance from the Ecuador embassy balcony has been cancelled due to security concerns, Assange is still set to make an announcement, via video link in Berlin. Tuesday Wikileaks will be celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary. It’s not known if Assange will drop the bombshell on Hillary Clinton Tuesday, or just speak of Wikileaks. Regardless, he will be speaking, via video.

Assange to make Tuesday ‘announcement’ via video in Berlin
Assange to make Tuesday 'announcement' via video in Berlin

There are two avenues of thought here. Either Assange has nothing and is just stringing everyone along to try and get some money off it, or Assange truly feared for his live on the balcony, and feels safer dropping the Clinton bombshell via video instead of in person.

I’d like to hope Assange does really have a bombshell on Clinton to completely destroy her and the Clinton Crime Family, but Assange is also rather slimy and may very will just be leading everyone on. I guess will see on October 4th.