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Big banks and corporations agreed to donate to Democrats percentage of allocated TARP funds

Well lookie here. Seems Guccifer 2.0 also found that big banks and corporation donated part of the money they received from TARP to Democrat campaigns! I know you’re shocked right?

Big banks and corporations agreed to donate to Democrats percentage of allocated TARP funds

Seems the biggest recipients of donated TARP money from corporations and big banks were Barney Frank, Carolyn Maloney (New York), Chris Van Hollen (Maryland) and the DCCC. IF this spreadsheet is true and these Democrats did get TARP money donated back to their campaigns, this yet again shows just what happens with your tax payer dollars. Trump avoided at least some taxes for however many years. Why would anyone want to pay taxes to fund things like TARP that seem like they just end up back in the pockets of Democrat politicians?