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Watch Hillary Clinton admit she hides information from investigators

Hey look, Hillary Clinton even admits she hides e-mails and information from investigators. This old ABC video, which will likely be scrubbed soon shows Hillary Clinton at Spago in Beverly Hills admitting she hides information from investigators. This video was done when the media hated Hillary Clinton when she was running against Hussein Obama. Now she is the media darling, so no “Brian Ross investigation” would ever happen, despite all the corruption.

Watch Hillary Clinton admit she hides information from investigators
Watch Hillary Clinton admit she hides information from investigators

In a leaked video obtained by ABC News in 2000, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, in her role as First Lady, was caught telling dinner party attendees she wouldn’t use email because of past scandals.

“As much as I’ve been investigated, why would I ever want to do email?” Clinton can be heard telling people, including Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee, seated at her table.
Years later, and Clinton comes under FBI investigation for mishandling classified State Department emails, securing several private email servers and for failing to turn over thousands of work related emails.