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Fall Fest Wisconsin crowd shouts “shame on you” at Paul Ryan VIDEO

Wisconsin “Republicans” are generally cowards. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson and Rinse Pubis are the “best” Wisconsin has to offer when it comes to a Republican. Today, at Ryan’s Fall Fest in Wisconsin, Trump was uninvited after the video from 2005 was leaked. So Paul Ryan was heckled today by Trump supporters at his cheesy Fall Fest. Shame on you was shouted at coward Ryan.

Fall Fest Wisconsin crowd shouts “shame on you” at Paul Ryan VIDEO
Fall Fest Wisconsin crowd shouts

At this point, these cowardly Republicans are nothing more than Democrats with an R by their name. If this country wants a corrupt Hillary Clinton and her selling access to the White House, then so be it. Country gets what it deserves. If Trump’s lewd comments in 2005 are more important to the country than the contents of Hillary Clinton’s speeches to Goldman Sachs, then just proclaim her Queen Clinton and get Bill Clinton all the interns he wants. Ron Johnson is toast this election, he proved to be worthless after being elected in 2010. Paul Ryan couldn’t even beat Joe Biden in a debate, and these are the standard bearers for Wisconsin Republicans?