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If Russia was trying to influence election, they would help Communist Democrats

All the Democrats and their media sycophants can say when the topic of Clinton’s leaked e-mails come up is that the Russians did it. If that were truly the case and Russia was in fact trying to influence the election in November, who do you think the Ruskies would like to help? Think really hard on this one. Would they want to help Republicans or Communist Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, etc?

If Russia was trying to influence election, they would help Communist Democrats
If Russia was trying to influence election, they would help Communist Democrats

Trump himself is not a neo-con, but why would the Russians want a bunch of neo-cons in the Senate and the House, along with Donald Trump when they could have a pushover like Hillary Clinton and the Communist Democrats in Congress? You’ve seen over the past eight years how Iran, Russia have absolutely embarrassed this country and it’s military with buzzing our navy ships, firing on our military etc.

The truth of the matter is the Democrats have no way to spin the Wikileaks e-mails that have been leaked. The only thing they can do is blame Russia or something. None of the Democrat hacks have disputed the content of the e-mails released thus far, they can only whine, it’s all Russia’s fault.

The reason why the Democrats get away with this ludicrous response is because the media allows it and plays right along with them blaming Russia. The American media has become like the Russian state run media. Just the Democrats have become like Russian Communists.