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Shitting together – Clinton bus illegally dumps feces Georgia storm drain

Hillary Clinton likes to spread her shit around, literally. The Clinton campaign bus was caught ILLEGALLY dumping feces and other human waste into a storm drain near the Grayson Highway in Lawrenceville, Georgia. It was so bad, that the HAZMAT team had to be called out clean up Hillary Clinton’s shit. This is really timely, considering Trump is running with “drain the swamp” now.

Shitting together – Clinton bus illegally dumps feces Georgia storm drain
Shitting together - Clinton bus illegally dumps feces Georgia storm drain

Lawrenceville police are investigating a claim that involves a Democratic National Committee tour bus illegally dumping human waste in between campaign stops.

The incident occurred on Grayson Highway, Tuesday morning.

Police say when they arrived on the scene, toilet paper was scattered everywhere and there was a foul smell.

A Lawrenceville businessman took several photos of the tour bus dumping waste into the storm drain. You can see in the pictures, a liquid coming from the bottom of the bus.

According to the witness, a HAZMAT crew had to be called to the location.

If Georgia is stupid enough to vote for Clinton, they will get more free shit from Clinton and the Democrats.