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Hillary Clinton wants big money out of politics (except these people donate to her)

Hillary Clinton is good at fooling the Democrat rubes claiming that she wants big money out of politics. Problem is, Hillary Clinton doesn’t practice what she preaches. Aside from forgein goverments like Saudi Arabia and Qatar giving tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation (which end up in Clinton’s war chest), these two-faced hacks are also giving big money to Clinton:

Hillary Clinton wants big money out of politics (except these people donate to her) Image: Washington Post
Hillary Clinton wants big money out of politics (except these people donate to her)

The top five donors to the Hillary Clinton “campaign” are venture capitalists and Wall Street hedge fund managers. Remember just four years ago that those type of people were evil according to Obama and the media when Mitt Romney was running? Now, they are considered heroes by the corrupt media.

The top five donors together contributed one out of every $17 for her 2016 run: hedge fund manager S. Donald Sussman ($20.6 million); Chicago venture capitalist J.B. Pritzker and his wife, M.K. ($16.7 million); Univision chairman Haim Saban and his wife, Cheryl ($11.9 million); hedge fund titan George Soros ($9.9 million); and SlimFast founder S. Daniel Abraham ($9.7 million).

Since modern-day campaign finance rules were put in place in the 1970s in the wake of the Watergate scandal, no president has ever been elected with the help of wealthy contributors who doled out such huge sums. The possibilities changed with the 2010 advent of super PACs, which can accept unlimited sums from individuals and corporations.

“I would prefer if the limits were much smaller, but that’s the way it is,” Abraham, 92, said in an interview. He and his wife made 26 contributions to the Clintons’ campaigns between 1994 and 2008, which together totaled $461,000, according to a database built by The Post. This year, he has given nearly 21 times that amount.

Sussman, Clinton’s top backer, said his top priority is dismantling the big-money system that has flourished in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision.