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Evan McMullin hanging out with John McCain and ISIS terrorists Al-Baghdadi

Now, I’m finally beginning to understand why establishment GOP hacks are trying to push Evan McMullin in Utah. He’s basically a bald, Mormon, John McCain hanging out with ISIS terrorists in Syria. Do you remember that iconic photo from 2013 where John McCain was seen posing for pictures with Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi? Well, there’s another photo that hasn’t been circulated around as much as that photo discovered by Conservative Treehouse. This other photo includes Evan McMullin hanging out with McCain, Al-Baghdadi and other ISIS terrorists.

Evan McMullin hanging out with John McCain and ISIS terrorists

Well lookie there. During a trip to Turkey in 2014 to discuss arming Syrian rebel groups, under the auspices of fighting ISIS, you see Representative Adam Kinzinger appear. Oh yeah, and who’s that other fellow circled in the meeting? ….why that’s our anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin.

Huh, fancy that.

Spotting Evan McMullin conspicuously standing there in the picture made us want to go back to the CNN file footage from the time and see if he was actually visible in the report they filed from Turkey. Yup, he’s there alright.

Amazing how things like that work out isn’t it? Now you know why McMullin is a puppet of Bill Kristol, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson and other establishment hacks.