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Peter Kadzik married to Amy Weiss (who worked for Bill Clinton)

Here’s yet another amazing coincidence of collusion between the DOJ and the Clinton investigation. Peter Kadzik is not only John Podesta’s BFF who kept him out of jail, Kazdik is also married to Amy Weiss. Who is she? She is the former Deputy Assistant and Deputy Press Secretary to none other than Bill Clinton. Yea, Kazdik will really be impartial here wouldn’t he?

Peter Kazdik married to Amy Weiss (who worked for Bill Clinton)
Peter Kadzik married to Amy Weiss (who worked for Bill Clinton)

I mean, this whole sham investigation of Hillary Clinton by the FBI is so in your face bullshit it’s not even funny. How in the hell do these crooks continue to get away with this shit? Have you seen one media reports about Kazdik’s ties to Podesta? How about any reports that Kadzik’s wife Amy Weiss worked for Bill Clinton? This is complete and utter bullshit.