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Trump: decisions on cabinet positions soon

Trump is back on Twitter and today tweeted that cabinet position announcements are “coming soon.”

Who do you think will be named to Trump’s cabinet? Rudy Giuliani or Trey Gowdy for Attorney General? Ben Carson for Secretary of HHS or Surgeon General? John Bolton or Newt Gingrich for Secretary of State? And what about Trump’s press secretary? I’d love to see Sarah Palin get that roll, but another good pick would be Kellyanne Conway.

Trump: decisions of cabinet positions soon
Trump: decisions of cabinet positions soon

And how about Trump’s first pick for the Supreme Court to fill Scalia’s seat? I’d personally love to see Ted Cruz get the job myself. But if not him, what about Jeanine Pirro?

The possibilities of who Trump stocks his cabinet with are awesome. Let’s see what he picks.