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ADL backs away from anti-Semitic accusations against Stephen K. Bannon – media silent

Oops. there goes another media hoax out the window. The leftist Anti Defamation League is backing them from their accusations of Steve Bannon being anti-Semitic. The ADL now claims:

“We are not aware of any anti-Semitic statements from Bannon.”

The media was quick to latch on to the ADL when they claimed Bannon was an antisemite. Now, that the ADL is backing off this ridiculous claim, the media is no where to be found. What a shock.

ADL backs away from anti-Semitic accusations against Stephen K. Bannon – media silent
ADL backs away from anti-Semitic  accusations against Stephen K. Bannon - media silent

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has backed away from its earlier accusations against Stephen K. Bannon, stating on its website: “We are not aware of any anti-Semitic statements from Bannon.”
The statement appears at the end of an article on the ADL, “Stephen Bannon: Five Things to Know.”

The “five things” are:

Bannon has embraced the alt right, a loose network of white nationalists and anti-Semites.
Under Bannon, Breitbart published inflammatory pieces about women, Muslims, and other groups.
Bannon is a critic of the Republican establishment and the left.
Bannon has held a number of positions in his career.
We are not aware of any anti-Semitic statements from Bannon.
The first two claims are false. The next two claims are true, and innocuous. The final claim is exculpatory.

Suck on that CNN.