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Wisconsin Stein-Clinton recount: Trump gains 2 votes on Clinton

The Wisconsin recount by Stein-Clinton and George Soros is still going on, wasting tax payer money and resources in Wisconsin. Bad news for the Clinton-Stein-Soros. Donald Trump has actually gained two votes on Hillary Clinton with about 500 precincts recounted.

Wisconsin Stein-Clinton recount: Trump gains 2 more votes
Wisconsin Stein-Clinton recount: Trump gains 2 votes on Clinton

After two days, more than 500 precincts around the state have completed their recounts, about one-seventh of the total. Excluding those in the city of Milwaukee*, where absentee ballot recounts have not yet been completed (and are conducted centrally rather than in the precincts), the overall change thus far has been to add five votes to Trump’s totals and three to Hillary Clinton’s. Stein has picked up 24 votes, mostly from one county that had left off her vote total in error on its tally sheet. At this rate, we’re looking at an overall shift of less than 100 votes in Trump’s lead of 22,000 — and in his favor, not Hillary’s, and certainly not Stein’s.

At this pace, the state should finish its recount before the safe-harbor deadline of December 13th, assuming that the federal court doesn’t order it shut down. In the future, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker wants to make it much more difficult for fringe candidates to tie up election results: