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Kurt Eichenwald Newsweek Nazi meltsdown on Tucker Carlson

Kurt Eichenwald is a Nazi writer for Newsweek. He went on the Tucker Carlson show to try and pretend that he’s a “fair” journalist. But when Eichenwald was flat out asked by Carlson to provide proof for his claims about Donald Trump, Eichenwald had a complete meltdown, let the rest of the liberal media since the election. I was waiting for Kurt Eichenwald to break out his Seig Heil pose.

Kurt Eichenwald Newsweek Nazi meltsdown on Tucker Carlson
Kurt Eichenwald Newsweek Nazi meltsdown on Tucker Carlson

I’m really starting to like the Tucker Carlson show. Gives me an excuse to actually watch Fox News, for at least one hour during the week.