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Gay fascists Lasner and Goldstein ignore questions on Ivanka harassment

Gay fascists like Matt Lasner and his “husband” Dan Goldstein loved bragging about harassing Ivanka Trump and her young children on a JetBlue plane on it’s way to San Francisco. But since then, the gay little fascists don’t have much to say. Matt Lasner deleted his Twitter account and both Lasner and Goldstein ignored media questions on why they harassed young children and Ivanka Trump.

Gay fascists Lasner and Goldstein ignore questions on Ivanka harassment
Gay fascists Lasner and Goldstein ignore questions on Ivanka harassment

Funny how that works out. One minute gay little fascists are so proud of showing their progressive liberal Democrat “tolerance” by harassing Ivanka and her kids. Then the backlash blows in, and they suddenly go completely silent. Aren’t they still proud of themselves? To many on the left, these two little gay fascists are hero now.

Oh BTW, someone needs to tell these queers that Donald Trump is officially president yet. Hussein Obama still is until January 20th. He’s just too busy in Hawaii golfing to give a shit about you. Also, these gay little fascists fail to release that Trump is the most tolerant of the LGBT community in modern history. I guess Democrats like Matt Lasner and Dan Goldstein just aren’t that smart.

Try to imagine, just for one second if ANYONE did the same thing to one of Obama’s kids? The media would be in freakout, yelling racist, hater, etc etc. Yet, in this case, the media doesn’t seem to care. Of course, no member of the privledged Obama family would ever fly Jet Blue in the first place. They’ve got plenty of money now for private jets.