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Netanyahu slams Kerry’s speech saying Israel can not be Jewish state VIDEO

As expected, John Kerry Heinz gave his anti-Israel, pro-terrorist speech today. Also as expected, Lurch Kerry (via Obama) tried to dictate to Israel what they can and can not do. Kerry claimed Israel can not be a Jewish state, apparently thinking he and Hussein Obama can dictate that. Bibi Netanyahu came out and completely destroyed Kerry (and Obama) after the pro-Palestinian terrorist speech by Kerry.

Netanyahu slams Kerry’s speech saying Israel can not be Jewish state VIDEO
Netanyahu slams Kerry's speech saying Israel can not be Jewish state VIDEO

We really dodged a bullet with Hillary Clinton. She would have continued the Obama anti-US, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist policies. While Obama and Kerry’s action may give comfort to the terrorists for now, once Trump comes in, all of this will just be a bad memory. Fuck you Obama and Fuck you John Kerry (and your anti-Semitic wife).