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Sean Spicer completely destroys media over lies about MLK bust

I persosnally was hoping to see Laura Ingraham get the White House Press Secretary job. But today, Sean Spicer proved why Trump picked him and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Spicer read the corrupt media the riot act over lies all day yesterday from crowd size to the removal of the MLK bust. Here’s the video of Spicer slicing the media up:

Sean Spicer completely destroys media over lies about MLK bust
Sean Spicer completely destroys media over lies about MLK bust

Finally! A Republican administration that wouldn’t sit by and take the media’s lies and deception. This is so un-Bush like it’s awesome. Spicer is no Dana Perino, that’s for sure. And to those who were offended by this, including Republican hacks, too bad. The media deserves every bit of shredding they get from Sean Spicer and the Trump adminstration. They licked Obama’s ass for eight years while making up fake news stories to smear Trump and those associated with him. This is refreshing!