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Leftist loon Sarah Silverman considers construction markers swastikas

It’s always fun to watch the loons on the left, like Sarah Silverman continue their meltdowns. Apparently, construction markers on streets are now considered to be swastikas in Democrat Silverman’s world.

Leftist loon Sarah Silverman considers construction markers swastikas
Leftist loon Sarah Silverman considers construction markers swastikas

After being completely embarrassed across the world about calling construction markers swastikas, Silverman tried to play the Jew card as an excuse.

That would be fine, If Silverman still considered herself a Jew. Only problem is that Sarah Silverman is an atheist, not a Jew. So the “burn in oven” excuse doesn’t really make much sense as an excuse. Of course, leftists don’t make sense anyway. They just whine and throw tantrums.