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Buzzfeed: Jewishness cannot be central to Ivanka’s identity

Just when you think the corrupt media can’t get any worse, comes Buzzfeed hit piece on Ivanka Trump. Buzzfeed apparently doesn’t like the fact that Ivanka converted to Judaism after marrying Jared Kushner. You see, according to Buzzfeed, Ivanka Trump-Kusher “Jewishness cannot be central to her public identity.” Who in the hell is Buzzfeed or hack writer Anne Helen Petersen.

Buzzfeed: Jewishness cannot be central to Ivanka’s identity
Buzzfeed: Jewishness cannot be central to Ivanka's identity

Which isn’t to suggest that Ivanka is ashamed, per se, of being Jewish; rather, she understands that to remain as publicly palatable as possible, Jewishness cannot be central to her public identity. It’s the same posture she holds when it comes to power, and her father, and her brand: The less she says, the better. Instead, she persistently refocuses her image: I’m a Trump, but I’m not that kind of Trump. I’m in the White House, but I’m just doing nice things. I’m working, but I know my place. I’m committed to my business, but I’d never do something as crass as go on cable television to defend it. Again: I’m seen, but I’m not heard.
Ivanka’s force field is composed of her innocuous image, her carefully cultivated figure, her children, and her silence. Together, they compose a particularly 21st-century propaganda aesthetic — one that attempts to blind us to the discrimination and destruction committed by her father and performed in the name of rebuilding America. That aesthetic, of course, also excuses Ivanka: Her social media is her plausible deniability, constructed with the same sort of precision as a criminal crafting an alibi. The question remains: Will historians of the future look to Ivanka’s digital footprint and excuse her…or look to her willful blindness and condemn her?

You proud of Buzzfeed Ben Smith? This is the type of drivel your “news site” spews out. Hit pieces against Ivanka Trump dictating to her that she can’t show her “Jewishness” or something. Who in the hell are you to dictate?

I don’t know what I hate more these days. Democrats or media scum like Buzzfeed or CNN.