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Democrats and media afraid Sessions crack down pedophile rings

There are several factors at work by the Democrats, Deep State and the media attacking Sessions and trying to link him to the Russians. The most obvious reason is because of Trump’s speech on Tuesday which was so good that 3/4th of Americans polled thought it was a positive and good speech. You normally can’t get 3/4th of Americans to agree on anything, let alone anything positive or negative about Trump. But it happened and Democrats know they are in trouble.

But there are other factors at work here as well. The Democrats and surrogates in the media are really afraid of Jeff Sessions? Why? Because he promised to go after pedophile networks and rings all over the country. You know Democrat Bill Clinton, Terry Bean and other Democrats all inter-wrapped in the various pedophile rings.

Democrats and media afraid Sessions crack down pedophile rings
Democrats and media afraid Sessions crack down pedophile rings

Who knows how many Democrats, or even media hacks are involved in pedophile rings? No one knows the full extend of the involvement, but why else would they be so panicked that an Attorney General is going to go after them?

How deep are Democrats (even some Republicans) and the media involved are involved in pedophile rings and networks all over the country? Time will tell. I hope Sessions nails ALL of them. Regardless of party.

The Democrats and media (and some Republicans) are opening a can of worms that is going to come back and bite them in the ass, literally. This should have just quit at the BS racism claim, but they got greedy.