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New CNN Brian Stelter conspiracy: Trump did interview with Larry King on RT

Oh no! I think CNN and Brian Stelter have finally cracked the Russia-Trump conspiracy wide open now. They have their smoking gun, and it’s an interview done by Larry King (Former CNN hack) and Donald Trump. Only problem for this latest conspiracy theory is that while Russia Today airs Larry King Now show, Larry King does it with OraTV. Russia Today only airs the show because they pay a licensing fee to OraTV to broadcast. King has nothing to do with Russia Today. Sorry Brian and CNN. Try to find another conspiracy theory.

New CNN Brian Stelter conspiracy: Trump did interview with Larry King on RT
New CNN Brian Stelter conspiracy: Trump did interview with Larry King on RT

OraTV is owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, not the Russians. Someone might want to tell pudgy Brian Stelter and CNN that. Or maybe not say anything and let them continue to embarrass themselves with their crazy Russian conspiracy theories.

So let’s review.

CNN and Brian Stelter think that Donald Trump’s interview with Larry King is a part of the conspiracy of Russia to fix the election.

Larry King Now is owned by OraTV and airs on the channel Russia Today.

Russia Today pays a licensing fee to air Larry King Now owned by OraTV (I have no clue why they’d want to waste their money on this washed up hack.)

OraTV is owned by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim.

So is Carlos Slim a part of the Russian conspiracy now? Damn those Russkis!